Screen Glasses

Why should you get one?

Eran Elbaz
3 min readFeb 2, 2021

Blue light, what is it?

The problem of blue light from screen is very famous, and if you don’t know what the problem is, here is a quick recap — white light have different colors, which are yellow and blue, blue light is like the light from the sun, it boost our attention, reaction time and mode.

screens like your computer and phone, energy efficient lightning and more emitting light that is consider to be blue, and that can harm us, for example it makes falling asleep harder because it tricks our brain to think it still day which is actually night, for me, it makes my eyes red and dry and sometimes I get headache when I’m on long sessions in front of screens

So what can we do?

You can use yellow filter programs to make you screen a bit more yellow, there are filters like that for of the phones and computers, but there are couple of problems, one of them is well, its yellow and if you are photographer you need to see the real colors of the image, the second one is that you need to apply this blue filter for each device you are using, and there are devices that doesn’t support this like TVs

And thats where computer glasses kicks in, there are glasses that filter this blue light with or without number so you can use them for all your devices, or even when you are not looking at a screen because you can see perfectly with them.

my Gunnar glasses

4 Years ago or so I bought my first and last pair of computer glasses from GUNNAR Optiks on amazon, they have many models in many different price tags, and also they have different lens tints! you can choose either transparent or yellow lenses,

This are the model of my glasses

and for most reviews I’ve seen online also Gamma Ray is a good company, this is one of there models which is cheap but have a lot of great reviews!

So, yea I recommend you to buy those glasses, because its small money you will spend to save those precious eyes of yours on the long run!


Gunnar amazon shop —

Amazon choice glasses —

My glasses model —

Gamma Ray model —

Gamma Ray amazon shop —

All the links are affiliate links, I use my glasses on daily basis and I really recommend it for you to!

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